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[ { "id": "SOURCE_OF_FUNDS", "option_type": "dropdown", "en" : { "question": "What is the source of funds?", "options": [ "Me or my business", "My family or friends", "Another business or person" ] }, "zh" : { "question": "資金來源為何?", "options": [ "我或我的企業", "我的家人或朋友", "其他的企業或個人" ] }, "cn" : { "question": "资金来源为何?", "options": [ "我或我的企业", "我的家人或朋友", "其他的企业或个人" ] }, "es" : { "question": "¿Cuál es la fuente de los fondos?", "options": [ "Yo o mi negocio", "Mi familia o mis amigos", "Otro negocio o persona" ] } }, { "id": "ORIGIN_OF_FUNDS", "option_type": "checkbox", "en" : { "question": "Where are the funds originally from?", "options": [ "Payroll or distribution", "Savings, stocks, or bonds", "Family support or Gift", "Investment or loan from my business", "Living expenses", "Investment or property purchase", "Loan or loan repayment", "Business distribution" ] }, "zh" : { "question": "資金的初始來源為何?", "options": [ "工資單或分配", "儲蓄、股票或債券", "家庭開銷 / 贍養費用或財富", "為我的企業投資或貸款", "個人消費", "房地產投資", "個人貸款或還款 (可能需要提供文件)", "企業佈局" ] }, "cn" : { "question": "资金的来源为何?", "options": [ "工资单或分配", "储蓄、股票或债券", "家庭开销 / 赡养费用或财富", "为我的企业投资或贷款", "个人消费", "房地产投资", "贷款或还款", "企业布局" ] }, "es" : { "question": "¿De dónde proceden los fondos originalmente?", "options": [ "Nómina o distribución", "Ahorros, acciones o bonos", "Apoyo familiar o patrimonio", "Inversión o préstamo para mi negocio", "Gastos personales", "Inversión de bienes raíces", "Préstamo o pago", "Distribución comercial" ] } }, { "id": "RELATIONSHIP_WITH_RECIPIENT", "option_type": "dropdown", "en": { "question": "What is your relationship with the recipient?", "options": [ "Myself or my business", "My family or friends", "Business partner", "Another business or person" ] }, "zh": { "question": "您和收款人的關係為何?", "options": [ "我或我的企業", "我的家人或朋友", "企業夥伴", "其他的企業或個人" ] }, "cn": { "question": "您和收款人的关系为何?", "options": [ "我或我的企业", "我的家人或朋友", "企业伙伴", "其他的企业或个人" ] }, "es": { "question": "¿Cuál es su relación con el destinatario?", "options": [ "Yo o mi negocio", "Mi familia o mis amigos", "Socio comercial", "Otro negocio o persona" ] } }, { "id": "ZELLE_CREDITS", "option_type": "other", "en": { "question": "What is the purpose of the Zelle credits?" }, "zh": { "question": "Zelle收入的用途是什麼?" }, "cn": { "question": "Zelle收入的用途是什么?" }, "es": { "question": "¿Cuál es el propósito de los créditos de Zelle?" } }, { "id": "ACH_TRANSFERS", "option_type": "other", "en": { "question": "What is the purpose of the ACH transfers?" }, "zh": { "question": "ACH轉帳的用途是什麼?" }, "cn": { "question": "ACH转账的用途是什么?" }, "es": { "question": "¿Cuál es el propósito de las transferencias ACH?" } }, { "id": "OUTGOING_WIRE", "option_type": "other", "en": { "question": "What is the purpose of the outgoing wire transfers?" }, "zh": { "question": "轉出電匯轉帳的用途是什麼?" }, "cn": { "question": "转出电汇转账的用途是什么?" }, "es": { "question": "¿Cuál es el propósito de las transferencias electrónicas salientes?" } }, { "id": "STATEMENT_SOURCE_OF_FUNDS", "option_type": "radio", "en": { "question": "Can you provide statements showing the original source of funds?", "options": [ "Yes", "No" ] }, "zh": { "question": "您能否提供顯示原始資金來源的對帳單?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "cn": { "question": "您能否提供显示原始资金来源的对账单?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "es": { "question": "¿Puede proporcionar estados de cuenta que muestren la fuente original de los fondos?", "options": [ "Sí", "No" ] } }, { "id": "SIMILAR_ACTIVITY", "option_type": "radio", "en": { "question": "Is similar activity expected to continue?", "options": [ "Yes", "No" ] }, "zh": { "question": "類似活動是否還會繼續?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "cn": { "question": "类似活动是否还会继续?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "es": { "question": "¿Se espera que continúe una actividad similar?", "options": [ "Sí", "No" ] } }, { "id": "EMPLOYMENT_PROOF", "option_type": "radio", "en": { "question": "Can you provide proof of employment?", "options": [ "Yes", "No" ] }, "zh": { "question": "您能否提供工作證明?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "cn": { "question": "您能否提供工作证明?", "options": [ "是", "否" ] }, "es": { "question": "¿Puede presentar un comprobante de empleo?", "options": [ "Sí", "No" ] } } ]