Velo Disclaimer – Site Content Copyrighted


The contents of the Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 web site pages, including, but not limited to text, graphics, and icons, are copyrighted materials owned or controlled by Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 and contain Velo by East West BankTM’s and Velo华美银行's names, trademarks, service marks, and trade names. You may download one copy of these materials on any single computer and print a copy of the materials for your use in learning about, evaluating, or acquiring Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 services or products. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify these materials. No permission is granted here to you to use Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行icons, site address, or other means to hyperlink other Internet sites with any page in the Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 web site, and Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 assumes no responsibility for any other party's site hyperlinked to the Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 web site or in which any part of the Velo by East West BankTM and Velo华美银行 web site has been hyperlinked.